
Piccolo Dive Shallow

Piccolo Dive Shallow
■ Piccolo series lineup
・Piccolo dive shallow [40mm 6.4g]
Piccolo (original) [40mm 6.4g]
■ Cuerpo redondo
Un cuerpo redondo que asegura la capacidad de aire dentro del mismo y crea suficiente flotabilidad.
■ Peso fijo con centro de gravedad bajo
El peso principal se concentra en la parte más baja del cuerpo.
■ Peso trasero
Se coloca un subpeso en forma de uña al final del cuerpo.
■ Labio ancho compensado de forma redonda y ancha
Diseñado para que no sobresalga del cuerpo, para mantener el rendimiento evitandi obstáculos al tiempo que elimina la resistencia del aire tanto como sea posible.
■ Flanco
Estructura de ojo horizontal que reduce la cantidad de materia dentro del cuerpo para asegurar la flotabilidad y evitar que los ganchos se enreden entre sí.
■ Anzuelo

Zeruch Petit

Zeruch Petit
 Zeruch Petit Action Movie
■ Hybrid body shape
■ Hybrid lip shape
■ Head dent
■ Low center of gravity fixed weight
■ Tail shape narrowed down sharply
■ Offset type front hook eye
■ Treble Magic (Front # 6 – Rear # 5)
■ Product package design


■ Piccolo series lineup
Piccolo dive shallow [40mm 6.4g]
・Piccolo (original) [40mm 6.4g]
Round body
One point concentration type, low center of gravity fixed weight
Horizontal wide grip 
Horizontal eye is adopted to prevent entanglement between hooks
Treble magic (Size: #8)

Flat Force

Flat Force
Flat side body
Low center of gravity fixed weight
Slim shape tail
0.8mm base round lip


Intermediate shape body of round and flat side
Hybrid lip shape
Dent in the head
Low center of gravity fixed weight
Sharply narrowed tail shape
Offset type front hook eye

Clutch Hitter

Clutch Hitter
[Video] Clutch Hitter Combined Bass Sound and Afterglow Action 
Body Shape
① Ultra-thin substrate lip (A)
① Ultra-thin substrate lip (B)
② Eye integrally molded, low center of gravity fixed main weight
③ Rear weight and Rattle (bass sound strongly)
Treble Magic  (front #5 – rear #6)

Wildhunch 8 Eight Footer

Wildhunch 8 Eight Footer
3D Hyper lip design
Body design
Full tungsten fixed weight
Hook balance

Rattle-In Wildhunch

Rattle-In Wildhunch
3D Hyper lip design
Body design
Rattle combined tungsten weight
Hook balance


3D Hyper lip design
Body design
Full tungsten fixed weight
Hook balance

Wildhunch SR

Wildhunch SR
3D hyper lip design
Body design
Low center of gravity molding weight
Hook balance
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